Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Miami Valley Folk Dancers Logo
Dayton, Ohio

Home Page

Welcome to the web site for the Miami Valley Folk Dancers (MVFD) in Dayton, Ohio, USA!

MVFD is a recreational international folk dance started following a City of Dayton, Department of Recreation and Parks class in the fall of 1952.

Please come in and explore our pages. We have much to offer. These pages are maintained by Leslie Hyll. Please send her any comments or problems with these pages. Thanks for stopping by!

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General Schedule of Dancing

Special Events and Announcements

Site Index



Important Announcements:

v Romanian Folk Dance Workshop with Cristian Florescu and Sonia Dion, August 3, 4, 2024, Michael Solomon Pavilion

v More scheduled events

Site Index:

MVFD Pages: [Home] [General Schedule] [Info Sheet] [Calendar]
Other pages: [Hyll Home Page] [Dayton Dance Groups] [Directions to MSP]

MVFD is a Member of: Miami Valley Dance Council


Copyright © Miami Valley Folk Dancers 1996 - 2024
Page last updated 07-21-2024.  This page maintained by Leslie Hyll.