



Four couples in a square










Up a double and back, sets



1 - 2

Up a double and back



3 - 4

Set to partner, R & L;  Set to corner, R & L



4 - 8

Repeat measures 1 - 4







1 - 2

R arm turn with partner, once around, men go to center to form L hand star



3 - 4

Men star L, once around;  Women walk (quickly) CW around outside of set and back to place



5 - 6

L arm turn with partner, once around, ladies to center to form a R hand star



7 - 8

Ladies star R, once around;  Men walk (quickly) CCW around outside of set and back to place







1 - 2

Side with partner , over and back




All individually step to the R, close with L, and bow to partner




All walk forward, passing partner with L shoulder, to the next person.



5 - 8

Repeat meas 1-4 with new partner, ending with the pass by, such that you have met the next person one position to the left (if you are a women) or right (if you are a man) of where you started.  I.e.  if you started out as Man 1, you are now in position 4 with Woman 3, etc.







1 - 2

New couples in side positions go forward to the center and back, turning to face out and form an arch with inside hands



3 - 4

New couples in head positions face partner and cast out and around corner to meet opposite person on side, and go under the side arches to center, meet current partner, and continue to head position with current partner (the one you casted from).



5 - 6

Head couples repeat meas 1-2



7 - 8

Side couples repeat meas 3 - 4







1 - 4

R arm with partner once around (8 cts); L arm with partner once around and a little more.  Let go of partner to continue to person beyond partner (similar to passing L shoulder in Siding figure).



5 - 8

R arm with next person once around;  L arm once around.  At end form a line of 4 on the sides of the set.  If you started out as a head your position in the side line will be on the end of the line nearest you.  If you started out as a side your position in the side line will be in the center , woman to the right of the man.  (I.e. you will be in the opposite side position from where you started, with your original partner.)







1 - 2

Lines fall back, lines go forward, and all turn single



3 - 4

Lines pass through, and form new lines on the heads of the set.  If you were on the end of a side line, you are now in the center of a head line, you started as a head and you are in the opposite head position of where you started the dance;  your original partner is beside you.  If you were in the center of a side line, you are now on the end of a head line, on the same side of the set that you started the dance on;  your original partner should be staring at you from the opposite line.



5 - 6

Lines fall back, lines go forward, and all turn single



7 - 8

Lines pass through, everyone going to their original home position, face original partner and bow.  And if everyone was in the correct position in the lines, going home should be a natural and very short movement from the pass through.




These instructions by Leslie Hyll for Miami Valley Folk Dancers, April, 1999.